The Crooked River Watershed Council works collaboratively with many partners, including private landowners, state and federal agencies, local governments, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, and other local conservation and educational organizations
Watershed Councils are:
Recognized as advisory bodies by the State of Oregon, Oregon County Government, and Soil and Water Conservation Districts
An example in bottom-up natural resource management
Watershed Councils are not:
Watershed councils are locally organized, voluntary, non-regulatory groups established to improve the condition of watersheds in their local area. The 1995 Oregon Legislature unanimously passed House Bill 3441 providing guidance in establishing watershed councils but making it clear that formation of a council is a local government decision, with no state approval required. Watershed councils are required to represent the interests in the basin and be balanced in their makeup. Watershed councils offer local residents the opportunity to independently evaluate watershed conditions and identify opportunities to restore or enhance the conditions. Through the councils, partnerships between residents, local, state and federal agency staff and other groups can be developed. Through these partnerships and the resulting integration of local efforts, the state's watersheds can be protected and enhanced.
Watershed Councils are:
- Voluntary organizations
- Citizen-based
- Made up of all interested stakeholders
- Defined by ecological boundaries
Recognized as advisory bodies by the State of Oregon, Oregon County Government, and Soil and Water Conservation Districts
An example in bottom-up natural resource management
Watershed Councils are not:
- Government agencies
- Regulatory bodies
- The only answer to natural resource management issues
Watershed councils are locally organized, voluntary, non-regulatory groups established to improve the condition of watersheds in their local area. The 1995 Oregon Legislature unanimously passed House Bill 3441 providing guidance in establishing watershed councils but making it clear that formation of a council is a local government decision, with no state approval required. Watershed councils are required to represent the interests in the basin and be balanced in their makeup. Watershed councils offer local residents the opportunity to independently evaluate watershed conditions and identify opportunities to restore or enhance the conditions. Through the councils, partnerships between residents, local, state and federal agency staff and other groups can be developed. Through these partnerships and the resulting integration of local efforts, the state's watersheds can be protected and enhanced.

Tel: 541-447-8567
[email protected]
Crooked River Watershed Council
498 SE Lynn Blvd.
Prineville, OR 97754
Tel: 541-447-8567
[email protected]
Crooked River Watershed Council
498 SE Lynn Blvd.
Prineville, OR 97754